Download Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban
Kali ini Admin ingin membagikan Link Download Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawabannya yang dapat didownload dengan mudah dengan sekali klik. Keterangan soal :
Jumlah soal isian singkat : 10
Jumlah soal uraian : 5
b. School
c. Field
d. Office
2. The chef is working in the …..
a. Restaurant
b. Hospital
c. School
d. Post office
3. Who is work in the hospital ?
a. Policeman
b. Doctor
c. Entrepeneur
d. Postman
4. Kucing berada di atas meja. The english sentences is ….
a. The cat is on the table
b. The cat is under the table
c. The cat is behind the table
d. The cat is inside the table
5. My mother like sew the cloths. My mother is a ….
a. Sailor
b. Tailor
c. Farmer
d. Nurse
6. Mr. Budi is my uncle. The indonesian sentences is ….
a. Pak Budi adalah ayahku
b. Pak Budi adalah kakekku
c. Pak budi adalah pamanku
d. Pak Budi adalah kakakku
7. Rika : “Do you like reading comic books?”
Sinta : “ …..”
The correct answer is ….
a. Yes, I do not
b. No, I do
c. Yes, I am not
d. No, I do not
Text to numbers 8 – 10
Riyan : “Hi Iqbal, do you know where I can find science books?”
Iqbal : “No, I do not. You must ask to shopkeeper.”
Riyan : “Ok, thank you.”
Dika : “Hi, I am Dika. I am the shopkeeper in this bookstore. Can I help you?”
Riyan : “Yes, I wants to buy a science books. Where I can find it?”
Dika : “The science books at there. You can find it between drawing books and enclycopedia books. There are many science books there.
Riyan : “Thank you for your informations”
Dika : “Youre welcome.”
8. Riyan and Iqbal are in the ….
a. Library
b. Bookstore
c. Classroom
d. School
9. Dika is a ….
a. Student
b. Teacher
c. Shopkeeper
10. Riyan wants to buy ….
a. Enclycopedia books
b. Math books
c. Science books
d. Drawing books