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Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban


1. Doll – she – new – has – a

The correct order is ….

a. She doll new a has

b. She has new a doll

c. She has a new doll

d. She a has new doll

2. I – cycle – your – can – borrow – ?

The correct order is ….

a. Can I cycle your borrow?

b. Can I borrow your cycle?

c. Can I your borrow cycle?

d. Can your borrow I cycle?

3. Besok adalah bulan Oktober

The english sentences is ….

a. Tomorrow is October

b. Yesterday is October

c. Tomorrow will be October

d. Yesterday will be October

4. Hari ini adalah hari Sabtu

The english sentences is ….

a. Today is Monday

b. Today is Friday

c. Today is Wednesday

d. Today is Saturday

5. Two thousand and seventeen

The Indonesian sentences is ….

a. 2018

b. 2017

c. 2020

c. 2027

6. 1995 in English sentences is ….

a. One thousan nine nine and fifty

b. One thousand nineteen hundred and five

c. One thousand ninty nine hundred and five

d. One thousand nine hundred  and ninety five

7. Hobiku adalah memancing.

The english sentences is ….

a. My hobby is Swimming

b. My hobby is drawing

c. My hobby is cycling

d. My hobby is fishing

8. It is ninety thousand rupiahs

The price in number is ….

a. Rp. 9.000,00

b. Rp. 19.000,00

c. Rp. 90.000,00

d. Rp. 900.000,00

9. Mr. Dodi pays Rp. 50.000,00 and he gets Rp. 35.000,00 as the cange. It means Mr. Dodi has to pay ….

a. Thirty five thousand rupiahs

b. Fifty thousand rupiahs

c. Fifteen thousand rupiahs

d. Eighty five thousand rupiahs


Rudi’s hobby is …..

a. Football

b. Playing doll

c. Playing kite

d. Playing toy car

11. The hall – Bagas – playing – is – football – in

a. The hall Bagas is playing in football

b. Bagas is playing football in the hall

c. Bagas is playing in the hall football

d. Football is playing bagas the hall in



>> Video Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban <<


12. Santi : “What do …. want to buy?

Rina : “I want to buy vegetables.”

The correct word to complete the sentences is ….

a. They

b. Her

c. She

d. You

13. If you want to playing football, you need a …

a. Doll

b. Ball

c. Basket

d. Catapult

14. Doll is a ….

a. Game

b. Toy

c. Play

d. Food


The girl like  ….

a. Swimming

b. Cycling

c. Hiking

d. Reading

16. I like playing chess

The indonesian sentences is ….

a. Saya suka bermain kartu

b. Saya suka bermain boneka

c. Saya suka bermain catur

d. Saya suka bermain bola

17. Mereka suka bermain layang-layang

The english sentences is ….

a. They like playing rope skipping

b. You like playing kite

c. They like playing doll

d. They like palying kite

18. These are tool to playing football, except ….

a. Shoes

b. Ball

c. Pencil

d. Goal

19. Ibu pergi belanja ke pasar

The english sentences is ….

a. Mother goes shoping to school

b. Mother goes cooking to market

c. Mother goes reading to home

d. Mother goes shoping to market

20. I buy a kilogram of aple in the ….

a. Bookstore

b. Shoes store

c. Hospital

d. Fruits store

21. a bunch of flower . The indonesian sentences is ….

a. Sepotong daun

b. Seikat mawar

c. Seikat bunga

d. Sepot bunga

22. Andi pay the foods with ….

a. Water

b. Money

c. Clove

d. Paper

23. We are playing snake and ladder.

Snake and ladder in Indonesian is ….

a. Petak umpet

b. Lompat tali

c. Ular tangga

d. Monopoli

24. These are games, except ….

a. Hide and shake

b. Skipping rope

c. Reading book

d. Snake and ladder

25. Roni : “Do you like playing card?”

Bagus : “No, ……..”

The correct answer to complete the sentences is ….

a. I Do

b. Yes, I do

c. He do not

d. I do not

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-> Link Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban 

Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan langsung ternilai secara online, silahkan dicoba :


1. The english sentences of kelereng is ….

2. The boys playing footbal in the ….

3. The indonesian sentences of Swimming is ….

4. 2013 in english sentences is ….

5. Rp. 35.000,00 in english sentences is ….

6. Three thousand and twenty five in number is ….

7. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ….

8. This month is august, next month will be ….

9. The place to buy a toys is ….

10. Someone who counts the things that people buy is called ….



1. Mention 3 examples of games what can play together!

Jawab : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Write in the english sentences!

a. Saya suka bermain lompat tali

b. Hobi mereka adalah bersepeda

Jawab : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Write in the Indonesian sentences!

a. I want to buy a new ball

b. Do you like playing kite?

Jawab : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Write in the english sentences!

a. 2035

b. 1945

c. Rp. 27.500,00

Jawab : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Arange these words into correct sentences!

a. Like – She – very – reading – is – book

b. Hobby – is – my – football – playing

Jawab : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Jika ingin mendownload soal ini, berikut linknya :

Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan langsung ternilai secara online, silahkan dicoba :





1. c. She has a new doll

2. b. Can I borrow your cycle?

3. c. Tomorrow will be October

4. d. Today is Saturday

5. b. 2017

6. d. One thousand nine hundred  and ninety five

7. d. My hobby is fishing

8. c. Rp. 90.000,00

9. c. Fifteen thousand rupiahs

10. c. Playing kite

11. b. Bagas is playing football in the hall

12. d. You

13. b. Ball

14. b. Toy

15. d. Reading

16. c. Saya suka bermain catur

17. d. They like palying kite

18. c. Pencil

19. d. Mother goes shoping to market

20. d. Fruits store

21. c. Seikat bunga

22. b. Money

23. c. Ular tangga

24. c. Reading book

25. d. I do not



>> Video Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Dan Kunci Jawaban <<


1. Marble

2. Hall / Filed

3. Berenang

4. Two thousand and thirteen

5. Thirty five thousand rupiahs

6. 2025

7. Monday

8. September

9. Toys store

10. Cashier


1. Examples of games what can play together :

– Hide and shake

– Snake and ladder

– Skipping rope

– Fottball

– Basked

2. Write in the english sentences :

a. Saya suka bermain lompat tali = I like play skipping rope

b. Hobi mereka adalah bersepeda = Their hobby are cycling

3. Write in the Indonesian sentences :

a. I want to buy a new ball = Saya ingin membeli sebuah bola baru

b. Do you like playing kite? = Apakah kamu suka bermain layang-layang?

4. Write in the english sentences :

a. 2035 = Two thousand and thirty five

b. 1945 = One thousand nine hundred and forty five

c. Rp. 27.500,00 = Twenty seven thousand five hundred rupiahs

5. Arange these words into correct sentences :

a. Like – She – very – reading – is – book = She is very like reading book

b. Hobby – is – my – football – playing = My hobby is playing football