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Kumpulan Soal UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 Dan Kunci Jawaban

Keterangan Soal :

Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25

Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10

Jumlah soal uraian = 5

Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

1. Saya punya dua mata. The english sentences is ….
a. I have two eyes
b. I have four eyes
c. I have two nose

2. I puts my ….. in the table. ( Penggaris)
a. Eraser
b. Pencil
c. Ruler

3. P – P – L – E – A = …..
a. Please
b. Apple
c. Sleep

4. W – E – L – Y – L – O = …..
a. Hello
b. Pillow
c. Yellow

5. I – mother – love – My . The correct order is ….
a. Love mother my I
b. Love I my mother

c. I love my mother


Keterangan Soal :

Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25

Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10

Jumlah soal uraian = 5

Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

9. I have green pencil
The Indonesian sentences is ….
a. Saya punya pensil merah
b. Saya punya pensil kuning
c. Saya punya pensil hijau

1. Buah jeruk in english is ….
a. Banana
b. Orange
c. Pineapple

2. 3 + 17 = ….
a. Two
b. Twenty
c. Thirty

3. 20 – 14 = ….
a. Seven
b. Six
c. Five

4.  N – U – C – E – L = ….
a. Cenul
b. Uncle
c. Enclu

5. F – I – U – R – T = ….
a. Trifu
b. Fruit
c. Rufit


Keterangan Soal :

Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25

Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10

Jumlah soal uraian = 5

Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

1. Month – is – this – October
The correc order is ….
a. This is mont October
b. This month is October
c. This October is month
d. Month this is October

2. Sigit : “Today is sunday. What day after today?”
Ayuk : “After today is ….”
The word to complete the sentences is ….
a. Tuesday
b. Monday
c. Friday
d. Wednesday

3. Monday, tuesday , …… , thusrday.
a. Wednesday
b. Sunday
c. Friday
d. Saturday

4. The day before saturday is ….
a. Friday
b. Sunday
c. Monday
d. Wednesday

5. is – my – monday – holiday
The correct order is ….
a. Holiday is my monday
b. Monday is holiday my
c. Monday is my holiday

d. My holiday monday is


Keterangan Soal :

Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25

Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10

Jumlah soal uraian = 5

Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

1. Doll – she – new – has – a
The correct order is ….
a. She doll new a has
b. She has new a doll
c. She has a new doll
d. She a has new doll

2. I – cycle – your – can – borrow – ?
The correct order is ….
a. Can I cycle your borrow?
b. Can I borrow your cycle?
c. Can I your borrow cycle?
d. Can your borrow I cycle?

3. Besok adalah bulan Oktober
The english sentences is ….
a. Tomorrow is October
b. Yesterday is October
c. Tomorrow will be October
d. Yesterday will be October

4. Hari ini adalah hari Sabtu
The english sentences is ….
a. Today is Monday
b. Today is Friday
c. Today is Wednesday
d. Today is Saturday

5. Two thousand and seventeen
The Indonesian sentences is ….
a. 2018
b. 2017
c. 2020

c. 2027


Keterangan Soal :

Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25

Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10

Jumlah soal uraian = 5

Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

Mr. Joko have a big house. His house has many rooms. There are five bedrooms and three bathroom. Mr. Joko also have a large kitchen, his wife very like to cooks in the kitchen. His wife name is Mrs. Diana. In the living room, there is a big table, ten chairs and big LCD TV. Mr. Joko’s familys often spend their times in the living room. In the front of house, there is a big garden. There are much plants and flower in the garden. Because Mr. Joko and his wife like gardening.

1. Mrs. Diana is Mr. Joko’s ….
a. Son
b. Daughter
c. Wife
d. Husband

2. Mr. Joko’s house has ….. bedrooms
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six

3. Mr. Joko’s wife like ….
a. Cooking
b. Living
c. Planting
d. Watching TV

4. Mr. Joko’s familys often spend their times in the ….
a. Kitchen
b. Bedrooms
c. Living room
d. Garden

5. There are ten ….. In the living room
b. Table
c. Chair

d. Sofa